Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SideWork?

Sidework is a mobile app makes it extremely easy to locate service providers quickly and efficiently. Simply select the service you want, the hourly price you are willing to pay and a brief description of the service you need. You get the best provider at your door to provide a service at a price you can afford.

2. How does SideWork work?

1. Select the service category you are looking for.
2. Then you will select the area where you need work, include a description of the service you need, and the maximun amount you are looking to pay per hour.
3. Our app will contact the closest service provider that matches your request.
4. Then one of our Service providers that match your request will contact you.

3. Why should I use SideWork?

SideWork is the fastest way to get your service done by reliable service providers. You don't have to manually email or call each provider in the hopes they will call you back, with SideWork you are locating the service provider who can provide the service in the now moment.

4. What kinds of services can I request on SideWork?

We offer a variety of popular services such as plumbers, handymen, electricians, carpenter, movers, general contractors, petsitter, babysitter, windows cleaning services, cleaning services, and many others.

5. What private information are sent to contractors?

Contractors only see your first name and city and state when providing online quote. Your full information like your name, phone number and street address will be shown to the specific contractor that accepts your request.

Using SideWork

1. How do start working with service providers?

When you send a request, the service provider that accept the request already have an basic details about your desire service. They will come to your house and set a final price once they see the work to be done.

2. Can I call with providers before I decide if I want to work with them?

Yes. You can conveniently contact the service provider, once they have accepted the work.

3. How do I pay for my services?

You and the service provider will agree on price for the service to be perform this on it self is a separate agreement in which Sidework in not part of.
For more info please refer to the Terms Of Service.

Ratings and Reviews

1. How do I write a review?

After your Service is completed by the service provider you will receive a notification that your job has been completed and then you can right your review for the service provider.

2. Can service providers remove negative reviews or contest them?

The community wants to hear about good experiences and bad ones. As long as a review is factual and not offensive, SideWork will not remove it.

3. How are ratings used on SideWork?

Ratings and reviews are shown to potential customers when a service provider accepts a request, this way the customer will know if the service provider is a right fit or not.


1. I'm stuck. Where can I get help?

We're here to help. Email us at Admin@sideworkapp.com

2. Do I have to agree to Terms of Service?

By using our mobile app to accept a quote for your project, you agree to our Terms Of Service. While SideWork makes the best effort of vetting the home service pros, you have the ultimate power to accept or reject a particular service provider.


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